Friday, May 17, 2013

General Structure of the bones

GENERAL STRUCTURE OF BONES: There is a long bone in three. The first of these is called the shaft. Diaphyseal bone bulges on both ends of the shaft of long bones, the name given to the rest. Swelling at both ends called epiphysis diaphysis. A small step between the metaphyseal region of the bone shaft alır.Bir Epifizle longitudinal cross-section examined with the naked eye, is composed of three separate structures. This three-building, from outside to inside, the periosteum, and sponjioza kompakta alır.Periost names, covering the outer surface of the bone bağdokusudur very durable. Articular surfaces of bones, muscles tendons bones sticking parts of the periosteum, bone and heel bone surfaces of the knee cap is available. Kompakta, just below the periosteum. Selected parts of the shaft of long bones easier. Yellow-white color, smooth and hard as ivory, bone tissue. Examined carefully, Diafi-tion began to thin out towards the ends, and where there is not at the level seen in the articular cartilage. Compact-tamn began to thin and a little lost bone area in the future, of metaphyseal fit.

Sponjioza, located immediately below kompaktanın and as the name suggests, is a view of the bone structure of the sponge. This is called bone trabeculae on the walls of the pores. Trabeculae, arranged to carry most of the load on the bone. Epiphyseal and metaphyseal regions of long bones is more Sponjioza. There are also in diaphyseal bone trabeculae forming sponjiozayı, but less than buradaküere number. Seen in the middle of the diaphysis is empty. This space is called the medullary space, up to age 15 in the medullary cavity of blood that is red bone marrow. After the age of 15 into the red bone marrow, bone marrow, lubricated and oil. Sponjio-coupl the red bone marrow of its bones are trabeculous, but most of them continue the task of making blood throughout life.


Participates in the extent to which the structure of the bone calcium salts?

Generates about 70 percent of bone calcium salts. The remaining part of 30 percent organic matter. Bone tissue is not hard during the formation. Osten's kllaojen substance called osteoblasts and protein structure (fascia) is generated by special cells expressing. Then begins to accumulate calcium salts.

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